How do I enroll waitlisted students from one section into a brand new section?
Course Waitlist Alternatives (CWLA) Form
Use the Course Waitlist Alternatives (CWLA) form to view all sections of a course within a term, and then enroll waitlisted students in an alternate section. Only active waitlisted students are shown.
You would use this option when A&R opens a brand new section and wants to move all the students from the waitlist of one section into the brand new section.
Procedure for Viewing Sections of a Course and Enrolling Students in Waitlisted or Alternate Section
1. At the Course LookUp, enter a course for which you want view all sections.
2. At the Term Lookup, enter the term to use for the course.
a. Only sections of the course in this term will be displayed. In the group at the top of the form, the sections of the course display, with the sections’ number, status, capacity, available seats, waitlist count, and location.
3. In the Enroll Section field, enter the section in which to enroll the student and tab or enter on your keyboard. (This would be the brand new section number).
4. A search results screen will appear, showing the sections to select from, select the appropriate section and enter.
5. If you enter a section in the field, you are automatically detailed to the Registration (RGN) form. When you register the student on the RGN form and save, you are returned to CWLA. The registration is permanent upon SAVE!
Warning! If you do not want to save your changes on the RGN form, cancel from the form.
After you save on the RGN form, you cannot reverse your changes by canceling from CWLA.
If a student is enrolled, a notice of registration is sent to the student.